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“Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of the chlorine in the water.”
For the past decade, people have focused on the importance of clean drinking water. Purified drinking water reduces or eliminates chemicals found in normal tap water. However, the body derives its need for water from alternative sources, most notably while showering.
It is common practice in North America to shower on a daily basis, sometimes more than once. Unfortunately, most people are unaware that more chlorine is absorbed through the skin during the average shower than by drinking six to eight glasses of tap water. This may make one wonder, how clean is shower water?

Are you a fan of hot showers?

Since the skin is porous, it is the body’s way of excreting toxins and regulating temperature, hot showers cause the pores of the skin to dilate, allowing chlorine and other free radicals to be rapidly absorbed. Chlorine is also contained within the water vapor that enters the air as steam, and which we breathe into our lungs as we shower.
“A long hot shower can be dangerous. The toxic chemicals are inhaled in high concentrations.”
BOTTOM LINE August 87 Dr. John Andelman, Ph.D
Dr. Halina Brown, a professor of water chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh, claims that the exposure to vaporized chemicals in water supplied through showering, bathing and inhalation is 100 times greater than through drinking the water.
Furthermore, chlorine and other water contaminants reduce the effectiveness of many shampoos, conditioners, lotions, oils and skin creams, leaving your skin dry and unnourished. Any contact the body has with water is cause for concern. Swimming pools and hot tubs use chlorine to kill bacteria. Little thought is given to the effect on the human body.

Chlorine and your Shower

“Taking long hot showers is a health risk, according to research by the American Chemical Society–and to a lesser extent baths–lead to a greater exposure to toxic chemicals contained in water supplies than does drinking the water. The chemicals evaporate out of the water and are inhaled. They can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others.
Householders can receive 6 to 100 times more of the chemical by breathing the air around showers and bath than they would by drinking the water.”
New Scientist 18 September 1986 Ian Anderson

Chlorine and Chloramines

To better appreciate the power of using a Vitamin as the dechlorination agent in the Vitamin-C Shower Filter, the hazards in our water supplies must be better understood. These dangers are real and should not be overlooked or accepted by the general public.
Chlorine is universally used to chemically disinfect public water systems because of its toxic effect on harmful germs, bacteria and disease-causing organisms. As defined above, chlorine is a toxic gas. With greater exposure to toxic chlorine contained in water supplies, the potential health dangers we face become more real.
During the bathing process, the chlorine evaporates out of the water and is inhaled. This toxic gas can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others. Some reports claim that as much chlorine enters the body by inhaling steamy chlorinated shower vapors, or through the open pores of the skin as that enters the body by drinking chlorinated water during the entire day. These increased exposure to the adverse effects of chlorine by household residents can be from 6 to 100 times more than medically recommend.
Chlorine also attacks the skin and skin oils, creating a dermal drying effect. Shower water can also cause or worsen skin irritations and rashes as well as drying the skin. Showering and bathing in chlorinated water will also result in the breakage of hair shafts. Because chlorine is absorbed into the body through the skin, additional physical problems can ensue.
Chlorinated water can also irritate eyes, leaving them red, itchy and burning. Inhaling the toxic steam can aggravate the sinuses and lungs. Chloramines, although a more stable compound, contains chlorine and ammonia and is also used to control bacteria in water systems. Its harmful effects cause the same dangers as pure chlorine